Product Reviews

Aced it Co.

The friendly banter on the golf course, the thrill of the competition, the beauty of the golf landscape… there are many things to love about the game of golf. Sadly, all of those things disappear when you get in the car and go home. But do they really have to?

I started taking pictures of golf courses in an effort to take the golf courses home with me and In a similar fashion, Aced it Co has started making candles that recreate the familiar scents and smells of the game. They created nine unique aromas designed to transport the experience of being on the golf course to your home.

  1. The First Cut - Sometimes better than the fairway itself.

  2. The Clubhouse - “Many leather bound and smells of rich mahogany.”

  3. Ladies Lounge - Only 49.6% of the population should recognize this smell.

  4. Divot Belt - If you don’t take in a good whiff of a fresh pelt, are you really even a golfer?

  5. Out of Bounds - Perhaps the most intoxicating yet unwelcome scent in all of golf.

  6. Ball Washer - The most questionable Aced it scent in the lineup.

  7. Rain Delay - Even if you can’t play, you can’t deny the scent of fresh rain.

  8. Sudden Death - The heat is on! Smells like a smokey match.

  9. First Group Out - You don’t have to get up at 5am to sniff this candle.

I was skeptical about how accurately these scents matched up with their real life counterparts. In order to test their accuracy I conducted a blind sniff test on Instagram. Armed with the information on all nine different aromas, I sniffed each candle and rendered a verdict. The official score was 7/9 scents correctly identified. This 77.7% result surpasses the necessary 75% to approve the candles as pjkoenig certified. I fired up a Rain Delay candle to celebrate.

In addition to bringing you the scents and smells of the game that you love, Aced it co brings a level of quality and environmental consideration to the candle game.

  • Made predominantly with eco friendly coconut wax

  • Natural cotton braided wicks

  • Small batch production ensures fast shipment

If you are like me and never want to truly leave the golf course behind, head on over to Aced It Co and bring the game home with you.